Welcome to Chapter 4, Season 1! After The End finale, the island has pieced itself back together bringing a new island!
The Island's locations consist of:
- Guilded Gardens
- Spiritual Hills
- The Heart of The Island
- Golden Enterprise
- Chromed Compound
- Echoing Woods - Beware to those who land at these corrupted woods, as it is not a place for the living...
- Doggo Park
- Rocky Resort
- Coastal Corner
Along with a new chapter comes with new features! Around the island, you will find new materials you can use to craft some new weapons and items!
Weapon Changes
Assault Rifle
Burst Assault Rifle
Pump Shotgun
Heavy Shotgun
All Bows
Oathbound Drone
Excaliber Rifle
Drum Gun
Regular Sword
Regular Sledgehammer
Shockwave Hammer
Tactical SMG
Med Mist
Heavy Sniper Rifle
Cobra DMR
Combat Shotgun
Heisted Run n' Gun SMG
Chug Splash
Slurp Juice
New to the island - Crafting!
The materials you gather throughout the island can be used to craft new weapons and consumables! Throughout the season, more of these will pop up with new items to craft!
Note from Rifty and the Team: This season is more of an open beta for Chapter 4 and will be canon completely to our continuity of lore and content - we are actively working on this map for UEFN - with this Beta, you may encounter a lot of bugs. Please report them to @GoldenIslandCR.
Code: 3552-7942-5040